Three Amazing Goals to enhance your business

1st Goal: Finding your way

Gettrng the right move and starting n the right way is critical for your success. We will AID you in that

The outlook to finding the right business start quite early in your life and it is important that you think through all the alternatives available to you.

Your right choice of business will aid you in taking the correct decisions that will ensure that you will not waste your energies unnecessarily.

Your iron-clad thoughts and actions are critical for your success, as you embark on this journey. Some strategies, as you go along this path…

Can you see the leader in the mirror?

An important element of your success is your SELF IMAGE i.e. how do you see yourself? It is a very pertinent question that needs to be answered quickly.

One of the major reasons that the PARETO PRINCIPLE works more when it comes to successful people is because of the reference to the past.

Your challenge is your past. It is filled with failures and you start that as a benchmark and are scared to embark on anything new.

Can you see a different lifestyle?

You might be driving a TVS moped today or even a cycle. But can you envisage living a STUPENDOUS lifestyle? Maybe a million-dollar home or driving a S class Merc

It’s your thinking that determines your place or your transportation. It only requires a mind-set shift and all the good things of life will be at your feet.

You need to feel the goodness that these things can bring. It is the emotions behind these accomplishments that will aid you in achieving it.

Envisage an international business

Making your business an INTERNATIONAL one with a GLOBAL footprint is a key step in your expansi0n plans

As you start your business it will be a challenging ask to imagine something as huge as operating outside your local place. But all great people started with this mission.

Your growth is also a function of your environment and what you intend to do with it. The Bonsai tree is a classic example of limiting your capacities.

Did you know that any domain that you choose to work on has the bandwidth for you to operate in of the country of your choosing? Language will never be the barrier.

Harvest may be somewhere else – not necessarily at the place where you sow

There are three universal laws of Sowing and Reaping, which you need to keep in mind as you start working on your business viz.

  1. Reap WHAT you sow
  2. You reap MORE than what you sow
  3. You reap AFTER you sow

To understand better:

  1. You will not get positive if you FEED negative
  2. Your ROI (Return on Investment) is always high i.e., you invest 1, you will make 100
  3. You should not have the Maggie Noodles mind-set. Understand all great leaders practiced DELAYED GRATIFICATION

These lessons are best understood, if you had been anywhere related to farming or related to farmers and agriculture. That’s the place, where these laws are seen practically.

Understand the concept of a DREAM TANK

Your Dream determines your destiny. You will put your heart and soul into the work, if you know what is that you want to achieve.

A Dream Tank is a concept that is basically based on the things that you would like to attain for yourself. This could be tangible assets or intangible elements.

The bigger, the Dream tank, the higher will be your efforts to achieve them. A simple example would be the brand of car that you would like to possess. The more expensive it is, the more work you have to do.

Work the hardest

There is no substitute for hard work. All the great people have one thing in common – they work the most and don’t complain about it.

It is not easy, but definitely worth it. The harder you work, the luckier you get!!

2nd Goal – Business Assessment

Through a SCIENTIC APPROACH, we will aid in analyzing your business. Assessment is the stepping stone for success

As you start exploring the various options available at your disposal for a lucrative business, you need to keep in mind, as to what makes you feel fulfilled.

Your attempt at reaching a satisfied life will be fraught with trials and tribulations and it is not going to be easy to achieve this.

However, if you stay focused and analyse your situations properly, you should be able to achieve reasonable success. We have given you some information around it…

Can you envisage something like a lake front home?

As you start building your business, one of the important aspects is that how would want a balance between your personal and professional life?

If you learn your skills properly, the talent that you have inside of you will help you leverage your current position to far greater heights.

One different aspect of creating wealth is called On-going income or Passive income. This kind of cash-flows are available to a host of business. Research them, properly.

Never get distracted till your goal is reached

Being on the RIGHT model and using other strategies around the CORE is the need of the hour. We will direct you on it

One of the easiest things as you go ahead in your life is getting distracted easily. This has to be avoided with all your might, else you will not know the actual fruits of success.

There is a concept called Shiny Object Syndrome. In this situation, you end up doing things on an ephemeral or very un-involved basis.

This leads to dangerous situations and you end up being no-where and hence, you are not the part of the so called Winner’s Club

You have to lead people depending on their maturity

There will be situations in your business, where you will start leading a team and at that time, your EQ will be needed more than your IQ.

Sometimes it’s easy to get your focus off the team that is performing well as they might not be getting results, but are making all the efforts.

This is absolutely wrong approach of leadership as a true leader recognizes the potential before seeing the output and that is very critical to success of any team or organization.

Everyday work ethic leads to achieving monthly goals

Your short-term goals should have a monthly target and your chances of achieving them is based on what you are doing at this moment.

Your leaders in your domain might seem like a 90-day wonder, nut the actual story lies in their everyday sweat and blood, which sometimes you might not understand.

Monthly goals are referred as short-term goals which tend be more action oriented rather than result oriented. If it has the latter component, it is not a good goal-setting practice.

Help the new employee to eliminate fear

When you are getting in a fresher for your firm, it is quite natural that the new person might not feel totally comfortable and it is your responsibility that he/she is able to adapt in an easy manner.

The only thing that hinders any person to perform to their potential is the fear of unknown and it is your teams’ strategies that would ensure that this hurdle is passed comfortably.

One common mistake that you might end up doing is that you don’t set up the right expectations that can lead to a performance that is in tangent to your needs. Take care of that.

Leadership is taken – never given. That can only be done by influencing

This is a very important concept, when you are running your own business. Just look back on the days, where you respected your boss.

It would have hardly occurred if he/she was an intimidating or an irritating personality. Your respect for them would be because of the way they treated you.

Actions speak louder than words!! Remember that

3rd Goal – Business Guidance: A scientific direction

Your firm might need a proper SCIENTIFIC approach in your major business directions. Guiding yourself through a proven path is a smart move  - That's where we come in

Your life is brilliant mix of the past, present and future. If you are able to just see the successes of the past and avoid the failure thoughts of the past, your future will be fantastic.

At My App Development (MAD), we would like to hand hold you and take you across the various chasms of life that you might not be too accustomed to handle.

At this transition point, it is very critical that you take care of all the aspects of a good life and do not over-look, one for the other.

Your business is a picture inside a picture

One big decision will not change your future, it’s a series of small decisions. It’s a very important concept in taking your life decisions.

Sometimes the benefit of a business is not seen immediately. The benefits that accrue out of the direction that you choose can come at a later point in time.

The true value that accrues to others because of your efforts should impact the core of a person and just not the outer life.

An educated leader is never at the mercy of a theoretical observer

There are multitude of people who will start commenting on the path that you are attempting, if it is different from the normal course.

However, you have to keep reiterating to yourself that the path that you have chosen is beneficial, not just to you, but the entire society.

If you will observe keenly, you will realize that the financial benefit received by any person is the direct positive impact that they had on others.

If you have a passion, you never have to convince people

All great people in any chosen field are always fully committed to their cause and know that it is their calling and would do anything to achieve success.

If you are able to develop that inner fire in you, you will never be distracted by any other activities happening around you and you will be able to focus more than 100%.

Your passion is what will turn your mediocre, middle-class living into a life of significance that can impact a lot of lives around you and world-wide.

Learn how to handle yourself

One of the most challenging aspect of living a great life is the key trait of managing yourself in the face of any large adversity.

This one habit of keeping your composure can turn the tide in your favour, when everything happening currently is not indicative of that.

A great tool that can aid you in this attempt is that if you are able to develop the art of reading books. As it’s said All leaders are readers’.

 Reject Me – I Love it!!

The great author, John Fuhrman wrote these immortal lines which is the title of his book. Unfortunately, the majority can’t take a few rejections.

That’s why you end up seeing most of them live a mediocre life, which is a bane of this society. If you are able to withstand the heat, a great life awaits you.

Every domain has a benchmark for rejections. When you start your business, you should be aware of this, so that you know that you are lining up for success.

What is your stock value?

Business can have various options, but unless you know your worth, you will not be able to provide the RIGHT VALUE to your customers

Every day you wake up to the story of which company’s stock value has gone up? Have you ever looked back to think about yourself?

Warren Buffet might be able to analyse stocks and pick the right one. But one stock that can never depreciate is YOU!!

Take care of this stock and nurture it well. The ROI for this is going to be phenomenal.

My App Development (MAD)’s step

We use a variety of techniques to determine your firms’ strengths and analyze the weakness. My App Development (MAD) provides solutions that will aid you at any start-up stage. Our products and services are applicable for any start up.

  1. Web & Mobile App Development
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. Blockchain Development
  4. Enterprise Software Development
  5. NFT Marketplace Development
  6. DevOps

Some exciting directions handled by us:

  • Discover a Path by analysing your passion
  • Identify unique strengths through various solutions
  • Suggesting Affiliate Programs based on personality, interest & ability

You can review our team’s profile who will discuss with you in understanding your strengths and based on a customized solutions will provide the right direction

We have a vision of developing India into a strong country that provides cutting edge solutions for start-ups and transform the world, positively

Wishing you that you achieve all your dreams

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